It's 2009, and the plaid wool sweater over the freshly ironed shirt has been fluffed, the leather shoes polished, and the sideburns neatly trimmed. Nothing can go wrong now, Thomas Donker thinks as he sets off for his job interview at Headquarters Hamburg.

30 minutes, 50 questions and an espresso later, Thomas draws his first conclusion: "Great! Now if you could just switch to Mac...". Just a few days later, he receives the redeeming call. HQHH is also enthusiastic and has been won over not only by Thomas' humor, but also by his many years of experience as a graphic designer.

The first week of work then begins with a challenge: "Karaoke? No way!" But at HQHH, it's a case of being in the thick of things instead of just being there. And so, just a few beers later, Thomas masters his debut at the Christmas party on the Kiez with "In the ghetto". At the subsequent bar hopping with Olivia Jones, among others, Thomas was convincing right to the end and arrived at the office on time two hours later.

The future together was sealed! And now, a decade later, Thomas takes stock again: "Why go somewhere else when everything fits wonderfully here? Nordic pragmatism: open, direct, goal-oriented, friendly, collegial."

We agree and offer our warmest congratulations on our joint anniversary. True to Thomas' motto: "No bad joke is safe from me," we thank him for his loyal and collegial manner and look forward to many more years together.

Year: 2024

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